Monday, June 7, 2010

Helllo UK!

Hello readers! Yours truly is back and is in the UK!! Wohoo!! In my previous entry, I was so afraid of leaving the little island of mine, and a week here in Sheffield,UK- I'M LOVING EVERY BIT OF IT! So here is it the entry of yours truly journey, and her 1st month in UK! (Ps:This entry is kinda of long!)

To begin with, yours truly was in tears at the airport! Bestie Ms.Tutu and beloved Mum&Dad was there to send me off. *sobs* . I really miss them alot! 15 hours and 15 mins of flight to UK! Yours truly was spoiled to be able to fly by Singapore Airlines! So what to do wit 15 hours?! I spent time watching movies on the plane (Alice in Wonderland & The Tooth Fairy) & chilling to.......


Ta-Dah! Sleepy me, and the 1st ever pic of me in glasses! What do ya think? =)

Blue sky and clouds!

Yours truly arrived at Manchester airport, early in the morning! Uni reps were already there to greet us and one and a half hour later Sheffield! (Pics on how the place is)

Yours truly is spoiled, going to day trips around UK : to York, Manchester, Whitby and also shoooppinggg spreeeee!!!!!!!!! Yes yes yours truly is a shopaholic, but am a smart shopper kay!

Love my new killer heels!! Really has Chanel feel! <3

Besides that, yours truly has also been PARTYING!! Wooohoo!!
Am so lazy to post up party pics- too many!! Check out my FB alrite!

Despite all the fun I am havin here... Yours truly does miss home. I miss every single thing back home. =( my parents, my room and the people back there. How I wish, I am super duper rich loaded with $$$, I wil seriously take a flight back to my island even for the weekend.
Well ending it here for assignments! *cry*

Yours truly <3

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